Frequently Asked Questions

Your Account

I'm having troubles logging into my account

Don't fear! We have recently switched over to a new panel management system and website. Everyone will need to re-activate their Realtime Research account if it's their first time logging into the new website. Please see the steps below:

  1. Head to the new website here
  2. Press ‘click here’ located underneath the 'Forgot Password' button
  3. You will then be prompted to make a new password
  4. Enter a new password and press save. You will then receive an email confirming your password
  5. You're now ready to log in! Once logged in you will be able to change your details as well as fill out profiling questions. These will make it easier to send your more tailored projects to your lifestyle/demographics which means you’ll be sent more surveys that you qualify for!

If you need any assistance with this, please don't hesitate to reach out to us here

My email/details are wrong, how can I change them?

To change your details, log into your account and head to the 'My Profile' tab. 

If you’re having trouble changing your details, please contact us here.

How do I unsubscribe?

You can unsubscribe by logging into your account, heading to your 'My Profile' tab and checking the 'I'd like to unsubscribe' box.

If you're having trouble logging in to unsubscribe, please contact us here and we'd be happy to remove you from the database manually. 

I can't log in to unsubscribe

Please contact us here.

I've unsubscribed, why do you keep sending me emails?

After unsubscribing, we do advise that there may be an overlap of a week or so where some reminder emails may still be sent for projects that were active prior to this unsubscribe action (please ignore these). No new projects will be sent to you from here out.   

Market Research

What do Realtime Research do?

We, Realtime Research (RTR), are a market research recruitment company based in greater Sydney. We recruit everyday Aussies to get involved in paid market research opportunities!

What is market research?

When a company or an organisation looks to change their packaging, introduce a new product or flavour or update a service, they want to get an idea of what their customers or potential customers think.

This is where you come in! Your opinion is so important because nobody knows these products or services as well as you which makes your feedback so valuable.

Market research is an opportunity to have your say on the future of your favourite Aussie brands. Your opinion can shape well-known companies, services, and products and in exchange for your time, you get paid as a thank you! 


What are the different types of market research projects?

Focus Group

Focus groups are small group discussions and can either be online via video chat or face-to-face at a central location.  

Online Panel   

An online community that runs for a specific length of time. During that time, you may be asked to complete written or shopping tasks, upload videos and photos or chat with others who are participating. 


Also known as an in-depth interview or IDI. This is where a consumer meets with a client one-on-one and has a chat to them about a product/service. Interviews can sometimes be online, face-to-face and even in-home!  

Shop Along? 

Also known as an accompanied shop. A situation where you shop as you would normally but you are accompanied by a researcher who will watch and may also ask questions about your purchasing decisions. Sometimes you will be accompanied by a researcher and other times you may wear eye-tracking glasses so they can see what you see first on the shelves and what draws your attention to certain products.  

In-home product trial

Testing/using a product at home + evaluation and feedback 


Product testing + feedback survey at a central location.

Do I need any qualifications or experience to partake in market research?

No experience or qualifications needed – all you need is an opinion!

Do you have to complete X number of surveys?

Nope! You can apply for as many or as little as you like. Please note – some projects may require you to not have participated in anything for at least 3 months, depending on the nature of the research.  

Getting Started

How do I get started?

Click here to register with us and get projects you could be suitable for sent straight to your inbox.

Fill out as much information as you like – the more detailed you are, the better we can find projects that best suit you! 

Once you have confirmed your account with us, you will start to receive emails with projects matched to you and your location. 

I've completed a survey, what's next?

If you’re the perfect match from your survey responses, one of our Project Managers will contact you within 5 days to confirm your details and your availability. You will then receive an email with all the information you need for the project.  


Why do I never get selected?

At the beginning of each project, we are provided with a detailed brief by our client to find the most suitable candidate for their research project.   

Sometimes they are looking for people who use their product; sometimes for people who have never used their product; sometimes for people who occasionally use their product and so on! 

The information that our clients take away from this research often contribute to major decisions about their brands, as well as new products and services. 

To minimise any disruption to you, we do try and keep our survey time down to a minimum and sometimes we need to ask very specific questions that may disqualify you before the completion stage.  

While we wish we could select everyone that applies, unfortunately, we can’t take everyone! Clients are often looking for a certain amount of people to fit each age demographic. 

We are always recruiting for a variety of projects and would love you to continue to be part of our team and complete the surveys as they are emailed to you.  

If you feel as if you’re never getting selected and see a particular project you would love to be a part of, please call us on 1300 135 451 and let us know! Whilst we can’t guarantee you’ll be included; we can look for you in our response data to see if you match what the client is looking for! 

Why do you never have projects in my area?

Unfortunately, RTR has no say in the location of each project as respondents’ specifications are set by our clients. In saying this we do still get projects that are Australia-wide so please look out for those! 

Please note that we do ask for 2 postcodes as we understand that people may live in a different area to where they work, this way you can be invited to sessions that we have in both places. Since COVID we have been offering more online opportunities where all you need is a laptop and a quiet space! 

Do you have any projects outside of Australia?

Currently, RTR is only open to Australian residents.  

Why can't you tell us the topic of the research?

For a lot of projects, our clients ask us to be discrete about the product or brand they are conducting research on. We are often provided with strict guidelines of what we can’t disclose so as not to skew the responses given in the screening surveys.  

While most people are honest in their responses, unfortunately, there is a portion of people who lie in the screening survey to be a part of research projects. If we give too much information away, these people can lie their way into groups, and it becomes obvious quite quickly that they lied just to get through. This is not fair on our honest members who may miss out due to dishonest people or to us or our clients who can face huge financial implications because of off recruiting people who do not meet the recruitment brief.  


When will I be paid?

Your payment should be processed within 5 business days of the project's conclusion. 

What is an e-GiftPay voucher?

E-GiftPay vouchers are sent via email and you can choose to spend your incentive at most Australian retailers. 

What is an EFT?

An electronic funds transfer (EFT) is a direct transfer to your bank account.  

Do I need to claim my earning for tax purposes?

RTR incentives are not an income nor considered taxable as they are a reward for your participation and time in our projects. 

I accidentally deleted the email with my incentive, what do I do?

Please let us know via our contact page here and we'd be happy to help.