WA, NSW, VIC, SA, QLD, 16/09/2019
In-Home or Phone Interview | WA, NSW, VIC, SA, QLD
We want to talk to people who use Silver Chain services either for themselves or for a loved one! In these interviews we want to know about the interactions and experiences had with these services!
Who: Males & females that utilise Silver Chain services for themselves or for a loved one or intend to in the future
What: 90-minute in-home or 60-minute telephone interview
When: Monday 16th – Friday 27th September
Where: WA, NSW, VIC, SA, QLD
How much: Earn $150 cash for in-home interview OR $100 EFTPOS transfer for telephone interview
Interested? Simply take our survey to see if you qualify for the project.
Know someone who may be suitable? They can take the survey too if you use the social media buttons below to share the project information.
Questions? Morgan will happily answer those for you via his email below.
16 September 2019
04 October 2019
People Required
Males & females that utilise Silver Chain services for themselves or for a loved one or intend to in the future
You Need To
Be happy to chat one on one in an in-home or telephone interview
Contact Email