Rosehill, NSW, 31/05/2017
Taste Test | Rosehill
Well you know the saying… You’ll never never know if you never never go!
WHO: Males and females aged 12-55
WHAT: Taste test (up to 45-minutes)
WHEN: Wednesday 21st May – Thursday 1st June
WHERE: Rosehill, NSW
WHY: $50 cash and yummy things!
INTEREST? You can contact Claire@rtr.com.au if you have any questions or take our survey to see if you qualify: http://surveys.rtr.com.au/s3/J1228-FB
Feel free to tag your friends + family as well. Or just share our post around. The more the merrier as we say
31 May 2017
31 May 2017
Rosehill, NSW
People Required
Males & females aged 12-55
You Need To
Be prepared to taste some yummy things!
Contact Email