Rosehill, NSW, 20/06/2017
Taste Test | Rosehill
We know our taste tests bring our RTRers (and their bellies!) joy, and we don’t think this one will be any different!
WHO: Males and females aged 18-65
WHAT: Taste Test: up to 45-minutes
WHEN: Tuesday 20th June, sessions from 10am – 6:45pm
WHERE: Rosehill, NSW
WHY? $50 cash + tasting some free product!
INTERESTED? You can contact Claire for more info or simply take our survey to
see if you qualify!
Don’t forget to share our project via social media below so that your friends +
family have the chance to take part too.
20 June 2017
20 June 2017
Rosehill, NSW
People Required
Males & Females aged 18 - 65
You Need To
Be willing to taste a product
Contact Email