What is Paid Market Research?

Want to take part in paid market research but feeling a bit sceptical about it?

Allow us to explain what market research is all about and how you can get paid for sharing your opinion!

When companies want to launch a new product or update a service, they’ll want to speak to their target market and potential target market.

They are looking at a few things. Whether their current customers are satisfied and if they aren’t, then why not? Just as importantly, they want to know why the competitor’s customers use the competition’s brand/products and why.

In essence, market research gives businesses and organisations a good idea of the market and defines what customers’ wants and needs are in a product or service to make sure THEIR products are what their target customers would purchase/use.

And that is where you come in! Market research is a unique opportunity to have your say on the future of your favourite Aussie brands, products and services. Your opinion has a huge influence on the key business decisions for small to big businesses and organisations!

And of course, you get paid to participate! As your opinions are so important, you get rewarded for your time and effort. At Realtime Research, these payments can come in the form of cash, bank transfer or e-vouchers that you can spend at most Australian retailers.

Have any other questions? Take a look at our FAQ page here.